10 tips to avoid car accidents

Everyone thinks of themselves as being a good driver. There are a few who are aware they don’t drive well, but for the most part they think they are excellent drivers.

If this were true, then why are there so many car accidents? There were 6,756,000 Police reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2019. NHTSA “Traffic Safety Facts Annual Report, May 2021. The number of San Diego car accidents is also high, especially with the number of cars on the road. Because while most people may be good drivers, nobody is perfect, and all it takes is one momentary lapse in your attention or judgment and you can cause an accident.

So how do you completely eliminate the risk of getting into a car wreck? You can’t.

What you can do however is take preventative steps in order to minimize the risk. The San Diego car accident attorneys at JD Injury Law put together these are the top 10 tips you can use to help you avoid car accidents, to keep you, your family and fellow drivers safe.

  1. Eliminate distractions. Distractions are huge right now. You’ll hear a lot about it in articles and news reports. With the advent of all these new tech gadgets it’s hard not to be distracted while driving. You have DVD players and navigation systems in the cars, satellite radios, smart phones that make calls, play videos, surf the web. The possibilities are endless. Don’t think distracted driving is only high tech either, you have newspapers, books, magazines, breakfast, makeup and that interesting landmark you just drove by. These are all potential causes of distraction which ultimately leads to accidents.
  2. Proper vehicle maintenance. This is important. You must keep your car maintained. Not only is that good advice, it can be the law too. If you are aware your breaks need service, and you are involved in an accident that is caused by your faulty breaks, you may face punishment, as well as being responsible for causing damage and possibly injury. Check your maintenance schedule and keep everything up to date to keep your car running safe.
  3. Be alert. Keep scanning the roads. Nobody can stop from daydreaming but try not to fall too deeply in those thoughts. You should not only be aware of what’s happening right in front of you but also further ahead, and don’t forget to check out what’s going on behind you. And I don’t mean turn your head all the way round but scan the mirrors quickly every once in a while.
  4. Drive defensively, avoid aggressiveness. This one is self-explanatory. Do not be completely passive, or else you would have no use for tip #3. You have to be ready to move up, down, left or right. Or stop completely. Or speed up. Avoid aggressiveness on the road, the time savings is just not worth it.
  5. Stay away from alcohol and medications. These impair your ability to react quickly. Even innocuous drugs like over the counter medications can affect you. Exercise good judgment here.
  6. Maintain a good distance from the car in front of you. Too many accidents are caused by tailgating, as it does not leave enough time to react to sudden developments. Keep a nice safe distance and you will have time to move out of the way should something happen.
  7. Drive appropriately for the conditions. Slow down at night. If it’s raining then also be on higher alert. Wind, debris on the road. These are all potential hazards.
  8. Approach intersections with caution. Many major accidents occur in intersections. You have cars driving at high speeds, travelling in opposite directions, and potential for injury or worse is real high. Never approach an intersection without being aware of the other 3 sections. Approach it cautiously. If you are at a light waiting. Wait a few seconds before proceeding after the light turns green.
  9. Wear a seat belt. Sounds simple, but the temptation to not buckle up sometimes is high. This is regrettable since it doesn’t take more than a second to put one on. It helps prevent more serious injuries after a car accident. It is unthinkable now to get into a car without buckling up.
  10. Be ready for emergencies. Always plan for contingencies. Flat tires, engine troubles, running out of gas, anything. Are you ready for these emergencies? Is there a backup plan? Does someone know where you are going and the route you are taking?

These are just some tips to help you avoid getting into a wreck, and helping to protect yourself and your family. Even if you do follow these tips you may still end up in a car accident. If so, contact us immediately to protect your rights.

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