Reasons for Needing a Car Accident Lawyer

After a car accident, you may struggle with insurance, car repair, medical bills, and compensation. However, having a car accident lawyer may come in handy to help in sorting out these issues. At JD Injury Law, we understand you may not be in a condition to follow up on your case and claims. Our lawyer will offer legal representation in case of an accident, saving you time, money, and the headache of dealing with insurance companies.

Liability claims

 After you are involved in an accident, the other party might have a different view about what happened, which creates conflicting stories. As much as it may be clear to you who is at fault in your accident, insurance companies and others may not agree. Our car accident lawyer will investigate and find evidence helping your case. 

Insurance difficulties

Insurance companies regularly play the slow game when it comes to compensation for car accident claims. Our lawyers have years of experience in dealing with insurance companies and understand all processes related to car accident claims. As a result, we can follow up insurance claims faster compared to individuals who do so without any representation.  

Medical compensation

Accidents often come with large medical bills due to unforeseen minor or severe injuries. Insurance companies will challenge your medical bills, denying you the money to pay your doctor. Our lawyers are equipped with well vast information on medical compensation in accidents and are better placed in dealing with insurance companies.

Trial representation

 Many accident cases end up in court, where a skilled attorney comes in handy to negotiate and strengthen your bargaining power. Our lawyers provide the best representation as we attempt to settle for the best possible offer for any inconveniences you suffered. Having an experienced lawyer offers you better protection against any unforeseen liabilities. Furthermore, our lawyers will act on your behalf at all times, and as a result, you do not have to stress yourself about the proceedings each time. 

Cost of a car accident lawyer

Our company has a strict policy on the payment of car accident cases. We take the welfare and satisfaction of our clients very seriously. Thus, when we discuss settlement offers, we take into consideration medical bills, expenses, and our fees, when presenting the offer to you. Our firm’s fees are relatively standard, so our clients do not need to worry about unethically high fees. Furthermore, our firms attorneys fees are contingent on the settlement you will receive. This is a percent of the negotiated settlement paid as compensation from your accident. Meaning, you don’t pay until you win.


Car accidents can significantly change your life, ranging from minor injuries to long-term disabilities. There are numerous costs of repair and recovery that you will need after an accident. However, not all insurance companies are willing to compensate you for damages their insured caused. Having a car accident lawyer reduces headaches from insurance companies, representation in court, and provides a level playing field for your settlement. For a consultation, contact us at 

JD Injury Law, APC

7220 Trade Street #101

San Diego CA 92121


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